Article 016
In today's article, we will briefly discuss operators and operands in python. In simple words, we can describe operators as special symbols used to perform operations. Based on the condition, operators can be applied to variables as well as values.
The values or variables on which these operations are performed are known as operands.
For e.g. we have the below expression.
5 * 3
Here, '5' & '3' are operands and '*' is the operator. The operands are value-type operands. We can also have variable-type operands. For e.g. - Concatenation of two string variables.
Now, in Python, operators can be of different types. Some of these are mentioned below.
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Identity operators
- Membership operators
- Bitwise operators
We will have a detailed discussion on each type of operator in the upcoming articles. Till then, happy learning!